Sunday, March 22, 2009

Patagonia and Radio Universidad de Chile

I just made my quickest trip ever to Chile. I touched the Baker river, and I charged my batteries for the next months of work. And I was a guest on the show Semaforo Cultural -- Cultural Traffic Light -- at Radio Universidad de Chile. The show is a very interesting discussion about the international day of water and issues around agua in Chile. I got to speak about the harsh situation in rural Cochrane after the multinational corporation has invaded, and how it appears through the eyes of a foreigner. I am by no means the only person on the show with something interesting to say - give it a listen, especially si es que hables español.

The fotos are from the International Day of Action Against Dams celebration in Río Ibañez. The two upper photos are courtesy of friends at Aysén Reserva de Vida, and the photos below are mine, of some people that I have met and who inspire me in this work.

My batteries are charged, and at International Rivers we are on a good advocacy roll.