Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wild Things

We live in a very wild place, absolutely full of wild things. No matter how hard some people might abuse the land, Northern California always has wild phenomena to keep one close to the power of the earth.

For instance, we had another earthquake on the Lost Coast today. I was the only one that noticed at first, but the way things kept shaking definitely made the deep earth vibration unmistakable. The temblor might have been subtle, but we all, however, noticed immediately the new storm of river swelling rain that is drenching our mixed forest stands. Our rainfall is just barely average this year -- yet it is still twice what we have received in the last couple of years. Life giving rain, just another one of those little miracles we learn to treasure.

As they say, nature works in mysterious ways. We love the mystery of the wild life revealing itself to us in the rapid growth of Kiara. There's bears loose in our neck of the woods!

And, speaking of the wild, as an update about Patagonia I recommend checking out the February 2010 National Geographic with the article Patagonia's Peril -- great coverage about one of the planets last wild refuges, and burning descriptions of the threats looming over the region. There is a lot happening these days in Chile, including a change in government, and we will be sure to share more news in the next months. In the meantime, enjoy this video put together by colleagues in Chile using footage from our trip to the Pascua in 2008.

And in English this time, the same video!

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