Monday, March 17, 2008

Patagonia-Wild Refuge Under Attack

The International Rivers Patagonia Campaign has launched a new internet action to protest the HidroAysén proposal to dam the Baker and Pascua Rivers in the Aisén Region of the Chilean Patagonia. Go to this 3 minute slide show to get a glimpse into the campaign (and to see a few of my photos from the Pascua Expedition Project!). From the slide show you can link easily to the internet action. This is meant to be spread far and wide, so please do distribute.

For more information browse past vozsilvestre blogs just below, or follow the International Rivers link to the right.

As a sidenote, our famously small and well connected organization Ancient Forest International has recently joined the Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia. It is an honor to be among dozens of other international and Chilean organizations working to protect the wild rivers of Patagonia.

Defendamos La Patagonia Carajo!

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