Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Empty Space of the Internet Looks Better With Kiara's Fotos

This blog could be an example of the lamest blog ever -- except for the subject of the fotos! If it were not for my daughter, I really would not have any reason to be posting on the Internet. The net can be nasty for a slow thinker like myself. I continue to have experiences where I attempt to contribute a difference in opinion to the comment section of a blogger or writer in which I get totally flamed in the net wars. Perhaps it is because I fall prey to trying to be a smarter ass than the ass who entraps me with their competitive style, which is not really my preferred style of communication.

The Internet is an amazing tool, but the on-line community continues to sap my soul of much faith in the future. Perhaps it is my own incompetence as a communicator, perhaps it is because the alienation of a computer centered life really is eating at the very essence of what is magic about human community and there are a lot of sad and frustrated people out there. I hate it when I write something and I note that I ended up sounding like them. It is like the Internet can bring out everyone's most base communication. Fortunately, the landscape and the family and the immediate real community around me continue to be fun and encouraging and tangible and present, helping shake off the disappointment of being involved with rock throwing contests with people who are just more versed in such communication than me.

Though I have the right to opine in these pages about the pros or cons of this or that political phenomena, the fact is such ranting and raving only hurts my soul. I am tired, let's let Kiara do the talking. Here are some photos that I should have posted a long time ago.

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