Saturday, October 23, 2010

Under the Watchful Eye of Raven

There is no doubt that we live in a still wild and being rewilded little corner of Northern California. It has been a great place to bring Kiara's spirit into the world; here we have hawks, and even the bear roaming through from time to time. The mariposas have accompanied us all the way through an amazing spring-summer-fall sunny season that was not too hot or too dry. The wildlife has had a healthy year; the birds, for instance, are feasting on the huckleberries. The ravens are particularly present as neighbors in the little draw of a valley that protects this home. They are always checking us out. I think we can safely saw that it is under the watchful eye of raven that Kiara has completed her first year!

I probably deserve some heckling for so few posts on this blog, a real lack of prolific blog pontificating on this vozsilvestre site. Still, no one can heckle the spectacular subject of the random series of blogs I have posted over the course of the last year. What a really special year it has been. We have so many good memories, and we do have the true sensation that living a bit simpler and closer to the earth has been good for Kiara herself and for us as a family (and for me as a new papa!). I wish I could type and post a lot of the stories, but I also believe that a picture does speak a thousand words, and these pictures of the birthday girl say it all, especially since blogging here is a rare and fancy way to pass the time. Anyhow though….the heart of what I want to say is:

Happy Birthday Kiara! And happy first birthday for Isabel too, her first anniversary of mamahood! I wish you the very best for the next year, and thank you all the goodness!

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